Potential village, meaning the village, land use in the village

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The state of rural potential in every area is not the same. It is influenced by ...
a. geographical circumstances
b. the welfare of the
c. income level of residents
d. availability of means of transport.

Potential non-physical such village is ...
a. shrimp cultivation
b. land use for livestock
c. pananaman rice seeds
d. mutual help repair the damaged religious facilities.

The village is a living entity where the people hold the ruling government.
Understanding the above mentioned village by ...
a. Bintarto
b. Sutardjo Kartohadikusumo
c. Paul H. Landis
d. Soerjono Soekanto.

In general, land use in the village divided into two functions, namely the function of ...
a. social and economic
b. physical and nonphysical
c. permanent and temporary
d. general and specific.

The intensity of land use describes the characteristics of the rural economy is reflected ...
a. settlement structure
b. land prices
c. land use
d. productivity per hectare.

The physical condition of the soft X:
- Daily rainfall was
- Rather steep slope
- Sensitive to erosion.
The use of land suitable for the area X is ...
a. field
b. fishery
c. settlement
d. protected forests.

At some places there are land cover in the form of high-rise buildings, have cemented the page, there is a flag pole, and used as the administrative activities of government. forms of land use is ...
a. housing
b. school
c. restaurant
d. office.

There is a form of land cover surface water body located in a basin or basins. Of land use land cover is ...
a. lake
b. swamp
c. river
d. ocean.

Village characteristics according Soekanto Soerjono among others ...
a. agrarian economic structure
b. have a social life to know each other
c. a bond of the same feelings about the habit
d. settlement is lined.

The use of land in urban areas are generally more complex than in rural areas. This is caused by the ...
a. religious norms that are not strictly
b. social gap between the rich and the poor in
c. diversity of livelihood
d. more rational view of life.

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