The content or substance of culture

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System of knowledge, everything that we know, is stored in memory and writing. According Gazalba, system knowledge ie knowledge and technology.

Judging can be interpreted also weighed, something useful or useless, good or bad, right or wrong, religious or secular in relation to creativity, taste, and human intention.

Prof. Dr. Notonegoro dividing into three parts, namely:
a. Material values, and of all things that are useful to humans.
b. Vital values, ie everything that is useful for humans to be able to hold events and activities.
c. Spiritual values, and of all things that are useful for the human spirit.

Spiritual values ​​are divided into four types, namely:
- The value of truth which is based on human reason
- The value of the beauty that comes to the element of human nature (human beings in all dimensions)
- Religious value is the value of Godhead, the supreme spiritual and absolute. Religious values ​​rooted in trust or confidence man.

Outlook on life, the values ​​embraced by the community and chosen selectively by individuals, groups or nations. The view of life of a nation is the crystallization of the values ​​held by the people themselves, who believed the truth and cause determination on the people to make it happen.

The essence of trust is an attempt to maintain a relationship with those who have died.

Perception is one's response to a problem, event or symptom. Perception consists of:
- Sensory perception, the perception that occurs without the use of any of the five senses.
- Perception of clairvoyance, the ability to see an event or events in other places, far away from the person concerned.
- Perception telepathy, is the ability to know the individual's mental activity.

Cultural ethos
Distinctive ethos or character styles often seen in the behavior of citizens, craze-craze and various public works.

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