The oldest cultures in the world

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The oldest cultures in the world starting from the development of large watersheds, such as Egypt, Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley, Indian culture in the Valley of the Indus River and the Ganges River and Chinese culture around the river Hoang Ho (Yellow River). While the life of the oldest in Europe are Greece and Rome in the Mediterranean (Mediterranean Sea).

Nile Valley Civilization (Egypt) in + / - 4,000 BC
Egypt is located in the northeast part of Africa, the Nile serve as the lifeblood of the nation. The ancient Egyptian capital Memphis, trust its people is polytheism (the worship of many gods). Relics are now able to know, among others: the preserved bodies (mummies), sacred carved letters (hieroglyphics), pyramids, sphinxes, obelisks, and temples.

Valley Civilization Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (Mesopotamia) in + / - 2,000 BC
Mesopotamia has ever ridden nations such as:
- The Sumerians (later Akadia and Semitic peoples)
- Nation Old Babylonian
- Assyrian Nation
- Babylonian New Nation
- The Persians.
Indigenous peoples are the Sumerians of Mesopotamia (Babylonia). Its people worshiped many gods (polytheism). The law is the law of the famous relic "Hammurabi", the art of the famous building is the "Ziggurat temple and garden rely" which was built during the New Babylonian empire. Knowledge of astronomy and astrology are well known, have known writings with the "letter of nails".

Indus Valley Civilization (India) in the year + / - 3,000 BC
From the upper Himalayas are major rivers, the River Indus, the Ganges, and the river Brahma Putra. Basins of the Ganges and the Indus very fertile called Hindustan. Nation is the nation's original Dravidian India, estimated at 2,000 BC the Aryans came from Central Asia to India through the "gap Kaiber". Mingling of Aryan and Dravidian Hindu birth, even Hinduism. Writing the letters used are pictographs like the picture.

Yellow River Valley Civilization (China) in + / - 1,400 BC
The remains of the old civilization in China located in River Valley Yang Tse Kiang, Hoang Ho River and Huai River. The first dynasty in China was the Shang Dynasty centered Hoang Ho River Valley. Great thinkers such as Confucius and Lao Tse in the Chou Dynasty. Later Chou Dynasty Dynasty replaced Chin (Qin), during the reign of Emperor Huang Ti Sih managed to build the Great Wall of China. Subsequent Han Dynasty replaced the Chin Dynasty. Hinduism from India into China during the Han Dynasty.

The Mongols in the year 1200 into China led Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Kublai Khan had sent a messenger to the reign of King Singasari Kertanegara and forced King Kertanegara to recognize the power and send tribute.

Civilization in Europe (Greece and Rome)
Greece in + / - 2,000 BC
Greece is located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, which is around the islands of the Ionian Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Aegean Sea. A high culture developed in the area of ​​Crete. Crete nation controlled trade in the Mediterranean. The Greeks first came to invade and successfully established the city (polis), namely: Sparta and Athens. Famous figures of Greek philosophy are: Socrates, Plato and Archimedes. Historians such as Herodotus, mathematicians such as Pythagoras and others. During its development, Athens became a democracy while Sparta became a military state.

The Roman Empire began in the reign of Octavian August. Emperor who ruled among other dynasty Julius, Claudius, Plauius Dynasty, Emperor Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius Antonius and power of the emperors army.

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